(By Delegates Shott, Anderson, Andes, Armstead, Ashley, Azinger, Border, Campbell, Cann, Canterbury, Cowles, Craig, Duke, Eldridge, Ellem, Evans, Hall, Hamilton, Ireland, Louisos, McGeehan, Michael, C. Miller, J. Miller, Morgan, Overington, Porter, Reynolds, Romine, Rowan, Schadler, Schoen, Shook, Sobonya, Spencer, Sumner and Williams)

[Introduced February 8, 2010.]

Expressing the will of the Legislature in supporting the adoption by the United States Senate and the United States House of Representatives of Senate Joint Resolution 26 disapproving a rule submitted by the Environmental Protection Agency relating to the endangerment finding and the cause or contribute findings for greenhouse gases under section 202(a) of the Clean Air Act, and requesting that West Virginia's congressional delegation support the adoption of said resolution.

Whereas, On April 17, 2009, the Environmental Protection Agency formally issued an endangerment finding declaring carbon dioxide and five other heat-trapping gases to be pollutants that endanger public health and welfare under the Clean Air Act; and
Whereas, On January 21, 2010, a bipartisan group of 39 United States Senators introduced a disapproval resolution, Senate Joint Resolution 26, pursuant to the provisions of the Congressional Review Act to stop the Environmental Protection from regulating carbon dioxide emissions under the Clean Air Act; and
Whereas, The Environmental Protection Agency's efforts to impose back-door climate regulations with no input from Congress will not only add a thick new layer of federal bureaucracy, but also serve to depress economic activity - to slow it down, to make it more expensive, to render it less efficient; and
Whereas, The Environmental Protection Agency's adoption and implementation of regulations restricting carbon dioxide emissions will have serous financial economic implications for the State of West Virginia; and
Whereas, At a time when West Virginia is fighting to save jobs and stabilize the economy, we cannot afford to stand idly by while the Environmental Protection Agency acts in an unprecedented and risky manner, especially when any regulation of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases is a matter that should be left to Congress; and
Whereas, For the sake of those individuals and families who depend upon the industries that would be adversely affected by a restriction on the emission of carbon dioxide, the House of Delegates, the West Virginia Senate, the Governor and West Virginia's congressional delegation must work together to ensure that the Congress retain exclusive authority to regulate carbon dioxide and greenhouse gas emissions under the Clean Air Act;
therefore, be it
Resolved by the Legislature of West Virginia:
That the Legislature of West Virginia supports the bi-partisan efforts reflected in Senate Joint Resolution 26 to prevent the Environmental Protection Agency from acting independently to regulate carbon dioxide as a pollutant while there continues to be a vigorous, legitimate and substantive debate in Congress and the scientific community regarding the need for any such regulation; and, be it
Further Resolved, That the Clerk of the House of Delegates forward a certified copy of this resolution to United States Senators Robert C. Byrd and John D. Rockefeller IV and Representatives Alan B. Mollohan, Shelley Moore Capito and Nick J. Rahall.